Planning to Visit?
Here are a few basic things you may find helpful on your upcoming visit to Cedar Grove Church.
Sunday Service Times:
8:00-9:00 am – Sunday School
9:00 am – 10:30 am – Sunday Worship
Wednesday Service Time:
6:30-7:30 – Bible Study
What to Expect?
Dress – You’ll find everything from casual to 3 piece suits! What’s most important is that you come comfortable and ready to worship!
Parking – There is ample parking along the street in front of the church and beside the building. We also have handicap parking on the side of the church. If you need parking assistance, please just inform a greeter or usher.
Children’s Ministry – On Sunday’s, we encourage your kids to participate in our youth ministry. Currently, Children’s Church is available at the morning worship and Bible Study services. We have tailor made teaching for children that are 5 to 12 years old. During Wednesday night Bible Study, we also include a class for teenagers and young adults.
We look forward to meeting you soon!